Twitter is quickly becoming the new Facebook. We all love to see and hear what our friends, and even celebrities, are doing, so why not follow them on Twitter? I am here to show you the funny and controversial things that these people post on Twitter for everyone to see. After all, their mistakes do make us laugh.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

My Boy John

Twitter is such an up and coming thing these days. Millions of things are posted for the world to see each day. Some of these things are good, some bad. I am here to show you the latter of the two. 

I have this friend who happens to have a twitter, lets say his name is John. John is one of those people who tweets like it’s their job, like they are getting paid to do it. In my eyes, as well as some others who have noticed the same, John complains A LOT over Twitter. It's weird though because in person, he is not like this at all. It is kind of like he is running two lives, one as an easy going guy that we all love to be around, another as a complainer that is tough to hear from. Most commonly, people portray two lives when they create an online avatar of themselves. These avatars can be created on websites such as Second Life where you can be anything you ever imagined. Anyways... either way, he is still a great friend of mine.

A few of John’s recent tweets consisted of how he's been so homesick recently and how he is always behind on his schoolwork. Really John? You're in college; everyone is always behind on their work. And as for being homesick? It's that time of the year where it seems as if everyone is homesick, so you are not alone. Everyone just got to school and are now realizing they are starting to miss their life back at home. It wouldn't be as bad if he just mentioned these two things say, once a day. But no, he has to keep reminding the Twitter world of how tough his life is. C'mon, we all feel your pain.

There is always so much going on with Twitter. People are always posting things that stir up conversation on a national level basis. Why would people do something like this?  For me, it seems as if they are looking for attention. Why else would someone want to be put in the middle of thousands of conversations, not always good? Next time I am going to try to find a celebrity who tweeted something controversial. But until then, keep those tweets coming.